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July 24, 2001

Burson-Marsteller's Black Kelly Scruggs and Healey lobbying wing has a $180,000 contract to provide strategic advice to the embattled Government of Ecuador.

The Nevada-size country bordering Peru and Colombia has been wracked by killer mudslides, environmental protests over a proposed pipeline and a rebellion by its native Indian people.

Ecuador lifted a "state of emergency" in February that was imposed following widespread protests to the Government's austerity plan.

The Government also worries about the U.S.-backed "Plan Colombia" war on drugs. It's concerned that the drug violence could spill onto its territory.

Foreign Minister Heinz Moeller said during a speech in Washington, D.C., earlier this year that Ecuador needs more military aid to defend its borders.

BKS&H is to make sure that Washington decision-makers have a "better understanding of the issues facing the Government of Ecuador," according to the firm's Justice Dept. filing.

BKS&H also will work to increase trade and financial aid.


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