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July 12, 2002

Edelman PR Worldwide has been awarded the more than $1 million Puerto Rico Tourism Co., Cathleen Johnson, head of the tourism & lifestyle group, told this website.

PRTC had been a long-time client of WPP Group's Hill and Knowlton unit until it was switched to sister PR firm Ogilvy PR Worldwide in January. Ogilvy's Washington, D.C., office had been handling industrial development work, and then added tourism to its PR duties.

Johnson said Edelman also will be involved in issues management and government affairs work for the island -- the Navy's use of Vieques for target practice is a key bone of contention between the U.S. and its commonwealth.

Johnson said Edelman vice chairmen Leslie Dach and Mike Deaver, and D.C. general manager Jere Sullivan were members of the firm's pitch team.

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Been there...done that (8/12):
Interesting that Johnson lists the members of Edelman's "bid team;" she must use the term loosely, though...there was no bid. There never is.

With pr considered a "professional services" contract, the P.R. Tourism Co. does not issue calls for competitive bids for pr; they "qualify" agencies and then hire the politically correct agency, subject to ratification by the PRTC board.


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