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Sept. 16, 2003

Enron paid Hill & Knowlton $300,000 for lobbying Capitol Hill and the Administration during the first-half, according to its federal registration filing.

Former CEO Howard Paster is leading the H&K lobbying squad. He is joined by H&K vice chairman./chief lobbyist Gary Hymel, public affairs practice director Neil Dhillon and staffers Brian Hart, Amy Key and Nora Grannel.

Enron filed its Chapter 11 plan in July. Its fees to H&K exceed those received from clients Optic Fiber Solutions ($60K), Benjamin Moore and International Olympic Committee ($40K each), and Hewlett-Packard (less than $10K).

Boeing was an inactive account during the first-half of the year.

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Been there, done that... (9/22):
... and some people think LAWYERS are the lowest form of human!

Atilla the Flack (9/17):
Hill & Knowlton and Patton, Boggs. The Beltway Boys who always turn up at times like this. Odd turnabout, though, that Bill Clinton's former chief lobbyist is now the DH lobbying a Republican Congress.

One wonders what H&K is lobbying FOR. Return of the money Ken Lay and Enron gave to or raised for the party? Iraq reconstruction contracts?

Unfortunately, this sort of thing is even more protected by the First Amendment than Nike's self-serving advertising.


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