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July 20, 2004

Burson-Marsteller’s BKSH & Assocs. lobbying unit is providing pro-bono services to Haiti, helping its efforts to cement ties with and garner cash from the U.S.

A donor conference meets today in Washington to pledge support for the impoverished island that lies 700 miles off the coast of the U.S.

Haitian interim prime minister Gerard Latortue vowed in a Washington Post op-ed piece today that his government would be strictly accountable for the donated sums. International donors gave Haiti $2.5 billion during the past year, though the island has precious little to show for the cash. Latortue vowed: "We are deeply committed to ensuring that every penny disbursed by the international community in support of our national development plan will be spent effectively and accounted for."

BKSH will conduct outreach to the U.S. government, non-governmental organizations and think tanks on behalf of Haiti.

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