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June 27, 2005


Medialink Worldwide has retained the well-connected Public Strategies, Inc. as its lobbyist, Larry Moskowitz, CEO of the electronic broadcast publicity giant, told O'Dwyer's.

"We use them to keep an ear to the ground" on legislative issues and developments at the Federal Communications Commerce, he said.

PSI began working for Medialink on June 10 and registered with the Senate on June 21. Medialink had not used an outside lobbyist prior to PSI.

Medialink is a big producer and distributor of video news releases, which have been subject to much Washington talk about the need for regulation, and a key topic in the great debate about "phony news."

PSI's John Krueger and William Moore, former chief of staff to Rep. David Price, handle the Medialink account. The North Carolina Democrat is a founding member of the "Future of American Media Caucus" that was established with five other Congressmen in April.

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Broadcast PR pro (6/28):
Cool, the FCC will now know which lobbyists to haul in for testimony ... First question by the FCC to the lobbyist: Does your client ever pay money to any radio or TV outlets for the guaranteed placements of VNRs and ANRs?


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