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Nov. 8, 2005


Fleishman-Hillard is counseling Roche, which now says it is doing everything possible to meet the demand for Tamiflu, according to Michael Rinaldo, head of F-H's health group in New York.

Roche says it is 'doing everything possible' to meet demand for flu drug.

Roche's reputation took a major hit when scare stories about a possible global avian flu pandemic picked up steam in October. Initially, Roche appeared more eager to protect its "monopoly" on its Tamiflu-the vaccine most effective in fighting bird flu-than preventing a worldwide avian flu pandemic.

The Switzerland-based pharmaceutical house claimed Tamiflu was too difficult to manufacture, and would require a minimum three-year learning curve for other potential producers.

Generic drug makers in India and Taiwan proved that wrong, and vowed to gear up for the production of Tamiflu. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) increased the heat on Roche, calling for a temporary suspension of its Tamiflu patent on Oct. 16.

The Senator promised legislation to reimburse Roche for the compulsory licensing of the right to make Tamiflu. He also contacted Pittsburgh-based Mylan Laboratories, which said it was ready to manufacture Tamiflu.

Roche has changed its tune. It is in "contact with companies that may be able to assist in manufacturing additional supplies of Tamiflu," said George Abercrombie, CEO of Hoffman-La Roche Inc. in a Nov. 1 press release.

The company is also running image ads playing up the content of that release. An ad in the Nov. 5 National Journal says "Roche is committed to doing whatever we can to meet the demand for Tamiflu, now and it the future."

The company plans to produce Tamiflu in the U.S. as part of a string of 12 production sites worldwide, "more than half of which are with third-party manufacturers," reads the ad.

Rinaldo isn't sure if F-H is working on the advertising.

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