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June 22, 2006


The Public Broadcasting Service, which is threatened by a 23 percent cut in its budget, has registered as a client of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, the well-connected Republican shop.

Bryan Cunningham, a former aide to Nevada Sen. John Ensign and chief staff member on the Republican High Tech Task Force; Jennifer Larkin, a staffer to ex-California Rep. and Rush Limbaugh guest host Bob Dornan, and Bill Viney, who has experience in Republican politics in Wisconsin are lobbyists for PBS.

On a GOP party-line vote, a House subcommittee approved the budget cut earlier this month. Paula Kerger, PBS CEO, said the cuts would "drastically reduce the programming and services public television and public radio can provide to local communities and that are greatly at odds with important national goals."

BG&R was founded by Haley Barbour, a former Republican National Committee chief and now Mississippi Governor, and Ed Rogers, who was deputy director of the Office of Policy Affairs in the Reagan White House.

It is owned by the Interpublic Group.

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