Time magazine may be a shadow of its former self these days, but its annual person of the year still gets a lot of play.

timeThis year will mark the last award under the corporate control of Time Warner. Will the soon-to-be independent Time show some gumption and crown the very deserving Edward Snowden its POY? Why not? More than anyone else, the on the lam former Booz Allen & Hamilton analyst put an unwanted spotlight on America’s secret world on spying on friends and foes.

Snowden did make the ACLU’s list of six Americans to be thankful during this season of Thanksgiving. He’s cited for helping to “advance challenges to massive abuses of government power carried in the name of national security.”

Continued the ACLU: “Bring bringing to light information that the powers-that-be would rather keep secret, whistleblowers like Edward Snowden play a fundamental role in our democracy.”

Snowden would be a controversial choice for Time, a selection that may rattle some of its middle-of-the-road readers. It would, however, be a more inspired selection than last year’s winner, Barack Obama. His re-election clinched the Time nod for Obama. In the words of Time: “America debated and decided this year: history would not record Obama’s presidency as a fluke.”

On second thought, Snowden may not want the jinx associated with Time’s POV. Obama isn’t exactly riding high. If the peace deal with Iran sticks, Obama does have a shot of redemption. A successful Iran effort would justify Barry’s 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, which the grateful Norwegians prematurely gave him for appearing to be the anti-Bush.