Just Consulting represents Human Rights and Development in Bangladesh and its effort to promote human rights, rule of law and economic activity with worker dignity there.

The firm’s mission is to educate the U.S. government and American public about current situation in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh foreign secretary Shahidul Haque made the rounds of Washington on Feb. 20, briefing officials from the White House, State Dept. and Millennium Challenge Corp. on political, security and economic issues.

He updated WH senior director Nicholas Dean about progress on workers’ rights and workplace safety in the ready-made garment sector.

Earlier this month, the husband and wife owners of a garment factory that was engulfed by fire in 2012 surrendered to a court in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital. The blaze killed 112 workers.

That inferno followed the roof collapse of another factory that killed more than 1,130 workers.

JC, which handles social justice issues, also works for rights organizations pressing for reforms in Egypt and Syria.