Nuclear Matters, which advocates on behalf of nuclear energy, today announced that Carol Browner is joining its leadership council.

carol brownerThe respected Browner is the nation’s longest serving administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency. She served in the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2001 and then a two-year stint as head in of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy during the Obama Administration.

In joining NM, Browner lauded the potential of nuke power as an ally in the effort to fight global warming. She plans to educate the public “on the importance of existing nuclear energy plants to reduce carbon emissions.”

Good luck on that, Carol. It’s certainly time for nuclear energy to bolster its profile. The sector has forever been stigmatized by long-ago near-disaster at Three Mile Island (1979) and disaster at Chernobyl (1986).

Knee-jerk opposition to nuclear threatens the existence of some of the country’s 100 power plants that supply 19 percent of America’s energy. Those plants produce about 65 percent of carbon-free electricity in the U.S, which is three times the second source of hydropower.

Despite those massive climate benefits, a large chunk of the American public either undervalues or is unaware of the environmental values of nukes.

Go get `em, Carol.