ghaniRoberti+White inked a $100K-per-month, one-year agreement effective June 25 to provide PR support here for the Transformation and Continuity political group that supports Afghanistan presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.

Preliminary results show Ghani leading rival Abdullah Abdullah by a million votes, but the tally is clouded by reports of massive voter fraud.

President Obama called both men this week, urging them not to declare victory until fraud allegations are fully investigated.

He threatened to cut off US aid if supporters of either man to seize power use "violent or extra-constitutional" methods.

The Wall Street Journal today ran "Afghan Crisis Risks Splitting Country" as its lede, reporting that Abdullah will soon decide whether to form his own government despite US threats. "We will not allow a fraudulent government for a day," he told a large rally in Kabul.

R+W's contract covers PR, political consulting, issue formulation and media counsel.

Its contract may continue beyond June 2015 expiration date on a month-to-month basis. The pact may also be terminated any time after 30 days notice.

A top Democratic strategist Vin Roberti, who has counseled powerful politicos such as New York Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Steve Israel, who heads the party's Congressional campaign efforts, chairs R+W.

Sanitas International reps Abdullah's team.