Dr. Craig Spencer exited New York City's Bellevue Hospital and held a press conference today, where he received the now traditional hug from the highest available public official.

ebolaMayor Bill DeBlasio did the honors, after his wife, Chirlane, embraced the doctor. New York and the rest of the country is now Ebola-free.

The media can move on to other imagined disasters.

Of course, the media moved on from Ebola following the mid-term election on Nov. 4, which saw Democrats lose control of the House to the Ebola-loving Republican party.

President Obama got off to a shaky start in handing the first reports of Ebola heard. The Centers for Disease Control did not cover itself in glory, especially after reports of potential Ebola-carrying healthcare workers hopping on airplanes. The US healthcare system soon got its footing.

Leading up to the election, Fox News and its right-wing media allies became Ebola Central, dishing out distorted coverage and fostering wild tales about Ebola-infected terrorists entering the USA from both Canada and Mexico. ISIS meet Ebola.

The GOP demanded quarantines—deemed by healthcare policymakers as ineffective or downright counter-productive in fighting the spread of the disease. Public health experts agreed that the way to stop the spread of Ebola is to fight it at its source in Africa. That advice failed to get much traction in the GOP's media echo chamber.

Despite the fact the just a single person died of Ebola here, one got the impression from the media that Black Death II was headed for the US. Those scare stories quickly ended as the Republicans slaughtered Democrats last year.

There has been scant coverage of the Ebola's continued rampage in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Eight African countries have reported more than 13,250 cases of the disease since the outbreak broke. About 5,000 people died. Little has been reported about Africa's curse.

Good luck to Dr. Spencer, who today said media, should focus their attention on the western African nations struggling to deal with Ebola. There's no way that is going to happen. Ebola has already served the media's interest. The disase is so yesterday.