Ever since the Republican’s trounced the Democrats on Nov. 4, I’ve wasted countless hours reading, watching and listening to the Sunday back-seat political journalists, known as pundits. A conclusion: they are clueless gasbags.

"Solomon’s Theory of Segmented Politics" offers the only explanation of dismal voter turnout and massive election turnoff.

It goes like this.

Republicans are creatures of Wall Streetsand Big Business, while Democrats are beholden to interests promoting the poor, same sex marriage, gay rights and immigrants.

Both parties are pawns of special interests, hell-bent on getting re-elected and dismissive/ignorant of the demands of the middle class.

America needs to revolution to curb special interest politics. Not a violent upheaval, but a social revolution that occurs every several decades.

One like the revolution of the 1930s when disenchanted Republicans, whites and blacks voted in FDR four terms. FDR spoke not only to the poor but importantly to the middle-class.

Reagan and Nixon carried on the tradition, appealing to the middle-class and disenchanted Democrats.

You might not have liked the agendas of FDR, Reagan and Nixon, but they did unite most of the country during most of their tenures. That’s why they got reelected.

The apex of segmented politics was achieved during Obama’s administration. Except when he was a candidate. electon esults were disastrous for the Democrats. Earlier, Bush The Younger's policies were disastrous for the GOP.

If you are a middle-class voter, vote for candidates who will benefit you and your family the most. The current gang in Washington cares squat about you.

Arthur Solomon was a senior VP at Burson-Marsteller. He contributes to PR and sports business publications, consults on PR projects and serves on the Seoul Peace Prize nominating committee. He can be reached at [email protected].