energyTransCanada dropped Edelman following widespread reports that the independent PR firm is waging a "smear campaign" to win support for the controversial Energy East Pipeline project to transport western tar oil sands to Canadian refineries/export terminals in the east.

Greenpeace triggered the uproar after it obtained Edelman's PR blueprint to play up the economic benefits of the pipeline, while neutralizing political and environmental opponents. The media spun it as political campaign to neutralize opponents via "dirty tricks."

In its Nov. 26 statement, Edelman said since attention has moved away from the merits of the pipeline, both parties have agreed to end the contract when it expires at the end of the year.

Edelman stands by its program to "drive an active public discussion that gives Canadians reason to affirmatively support the project," calling it both "ethical and moral."

The firm said the noise about its work has become a distraction "so loud in certain areas that it is impossible to have an open and honest conversation" about the pipeline.

It said the project is "too important and a thoughtful, deliberative conversation is needed more than ever."