You gotta feel for Speaker John Boehner, the guy who must ride herd over the right-wing of the Republican party. The Ohio Congressman today said he disagrees with GOP hotheads who want to block President Obama from delivering the State of the Union next month. That loony idea is part of the temper tantrum thrown by Republicans who are angry with President Obama's executive action on immigration.

Outgoing Georgia Congressman Paul Broun was among those pushing to disinvite the Commander-in-Chief from the People's House. The unsuccessful Senate candidate will be mainly remembered for his views of evolution. He once told a Baptist group that evolution and the Big Bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of hell."

The Congressman's successor Jody Tice is ready to pick up the Broun mantle. Tice, a radio talk show host, considers Islam "a totalitarian way of life with a religious component" and equates abortion to be "worse than Hitler's [extermination] of six million Jews or Mussolini's 300,000." Good luck to the people of Georgia's 10th District.

Boehner, of course, is a political master. In disavowing the disinvite Obama crowd, he told reporters today: "The more the president talks about his ideas, the more unpopular he becomes - why would I want to deprive him of that opportunity?" That's a political dagger from Cool Hand John.

The Congressman also understands the huge fall-out in denying America's first black president the big stage. The fall-out would be huge, expecially in the current tense racial climate.

Boehner's going to have a very interesting two years.