bill burtonBill Burton, who was national press secretary for Obama 2008 and White House deputy press secretary during the president's first term is opening a Los Angeles office for SKDKnickerbocker.

After leaving the White House, Burton launched Priorities USA Action, which raised more than $90M for Obama's re-election bid.

Most recently, he has advised Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations.

SKDKnick has strong ties to the Hollywood entertainment community as evidenced by work for Walt Disney Co., HBO and Motion Picture Assn. of America.

Hilary Rosen, managing director of the firm, formerly headed the Recording Industry Assn. of America and has worked with Live Nation, Facebook and Yahoo.

Burton also worked as Rahm Emanuel's communications director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and handled communications matters for Democratic Senators John Kerry/Tom Harkin and Congressman Dick Gephardt.

Anita Dunn, managing director of SKDKnick and veteran of Jimmy Carter's White House, served as director of communications, policy and research operations for Obama for America and was a top advisor to the President.