NY Times website article on Al GoreThe best selling t-shirt at the Young Republican convention of 1987 featured an image of a smiling Richard Nixon with the tagline "He's tanned, he's rested & ready" above "Nixon in 88."

The same pitch could be made for former Vice President Al Gore, who was resurrected with a massive 2,000-word mash note splashed across today's front page of the New York Times' Science Times section. A head and shoulders shot taking about 3/4 of the page's real estate drove home the point.

The former prophet of global warming doom has now become "a prophet of possibility-even, perhaps, an optimist," according to the piece by John Schwartz.

Though still an "object of derision for the political right," Gore has enjoyed growing support for climate action within the business community in the form of increased investment in renewable power.

Of his critics, Gore said, "Anyone who carries this banner is going to be shot at. And I could say it's an honor to be the object of such ire from those who are so on the wrong side of history."

The 66-year-old politico has slimmed down—thanks to a vegan diet-- from his "bearish, bearded period" following the theft of the 2000 presidential election that put George W. Bush in the White House. Fighting trim?

Initially disappointed by President Obama's lackluster environmental record, Gore supports his stronger performance since re-election.

Since leaving Washington, Gore has earned millions of dollars via his Generation Investment Management fund that takes financial stake in companies that follow strong sustainability measures, board service at Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers venture capital firm and the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera America.

What's next? How about heading the Environmental Protection Agency in the administrations of Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren?

The EPA job would certainly be the best platform for Al to highlight the campaign against global warming.

Of course, Republicans would smack their lips over the prospect of mixing it up with Gore.

The former VP though has the "inconvenient truth" about warming on his side.