arthur solomonArthur Solomon

Early in my PR career, I worked on local, statewide and national PR campaigns before joining Burson-Marsteller, where as a senior VP/senior counselor I restructured, managed and played key roles in some of the most significant national and international sports and non-sports programs and traveled the world with high-ranking foreign government officials as a media advisor. So I have some experience in advising clients inthorny situations.

Despite seemingly being out of legal trouble, Hillary Clinton’s media problems and less than sterling reputation with voters will remain a media and political topic until after the election, and probably after, as Republicans are sure to claim that Ms. Clinton received a free get out of jail card fromFBI Director James Comey.

After listening to the Republican congressional assaults on the FBI director and Clinton, if ever an aggressive counter attack against the GOP inquisitors was called for, now is the time.

Here’s what I would advise:

Ms. Clinton is constantly criticized by the media for not being available. Now, as the GOP promises to keep her email use in play throughout the presidential campaign, she should make herself more available to the media. :

-She should hold a lengthy press conference during which she would apologize and again say she made a mistake and answer all media questions. Certainly she has had the time to perfect answers to any questions that might arise. She should do that ASAP.

-She should go on friendly TV talk shows answering the host’s questions.

-At the same time, her surrogates should increase attacking Donald Trumps statements, character and business failures 24/7 every day until after the election. The Hillary backers should make themselves available for all media requests.

For weeks there have been rumors that respected public officials, including Republicans and business people, will make public their support for Clinton. Now is the time to coordinate their public support so it has the biggest impact, instead of only achieving a line on a cable TV scroll or a mention in print stories and TV programs.

-Have them appear on talk shows explaining why they can’t back Trump and explain support of Clinton.

-Have a series of Op-Eds written for leading publications.

-Have those willing show up at campaign rallies with Clinton.

-Stage separate press events by segments: All the Republicans who oppose Trump at one, military people at another, business people at another, etc.

-Arrange radio media tours for them.

-Tape their support of Clinton and offer them to local TV outlets.

Not all of those supporting Ms. Clinton will agree to do the above, but certainly some will.

The Republicans have gained positive publicity by having some legal spokesmen decry the decision by the FBI not to bring charges against Clinton. In my opinion the Clinton campaigns response has been terrible. Certainly there are respected legal authorities that would support Mr. Comey’s decision.

-Instead of having the usual suspects defend Clinton, a statement by a group of legal experts saying that the GOP is politicizing the FBI director’s decision should be distributed ASAP.

-Have some legal authorities appear at a press conference explaining why they support the FBI decision.

-This should be followed by having respected and prominent legal authorities make themselves available to radio and TV talk shows.

Not all of those supporting Ms. Clinton will agree to do the above, but certainly some will.

The Clinton campaign should form a volunteer group of PR people, similar to a focus group, that would evaluate and suggest PR ideas. Anyone in PR knows that becoming emotionally involved with a client can prevent a fresh perspective. The same is true with political campaign staffs.

Finally, the Clinton campaign should create a fast response team of respected Americans who are willing to talk to the media after each Trump speech, pointing out how his policies would adversely affect the U.S. The fast response team would consist of foreign affairs experts, economists, labor leaders, high-ranking military officers, etc. These third party spokespeople certainly would have more of an impact on the public than the usual campaign spokespeople.

The GOP will not let up its email use attacks on Clinton. They know it’s a topic that the media, especially the cable TV networks and talk radio, will lap up. The Clinton campaign should start their counter offensive now.

Added 7/17/16: Because of the horrific targeting of police officers, the most recent on Sunday, July 17, I would advise Clinton to get as many law enforcement officials as possible to appear at her convention decrying how easy it is for people to get guns. She should also have a police clergy person deliver a prayer for the dead policemen.

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Arthur Solomon, a former journalist and senior vice president/senior counselor at Burson-Marsteller, is a frequent contributor to public relations publications, and consults on public relations projects. He can be reached at [email protected]