Lee Weinstein
Lee Weinstein

Lee Weinstein, president of PR Boutiques International and Weinstein PR, has written a book aimed at helping people get more out of their lives by making a plan and staying with it.

Weinstein’s “Write. Open. Act: An Intentional Life Planning Workbook” provides a road map for readers to put their goals and hopes for the future down in writing. The book suggests applying the same strategies used to pursue success in the professional arena to building a more fulfilling personal life. “If life were a project like the kind you’re asked to complete at work or school, and you knew you had a limited time to get it done, wouldn’t it make sense to develop a plan?,” Weinstein writes.

According to a newly released study from DHM Research, while respondents who had written a life plan said that plan helps them set goals and focus on what’s important as they work to achieve their goals, 67 percent of those surveyed said they did not have such a plan. Of those who did have such a plan, 35 percent said that it helped them to set goals, 15 percent said it reminded them of priorities, and nine percent found it useful in financial and estate planning.

Weinstein book

Even many of those who did not have a written life plan saw its benefits, with 48 percent of those respondents saying they thought that having such a plan would be beneficial.

“Write. Open. Act.” breaks the process of creating a life plan into four basic steps: Uncover Your Life’s Wishes, Build Your Timeline, Turn Your Timeline into an Actionable Plan and Keep to the Plan. The bulk of the work is done on what Weinstein terms the “Intentional Life Planning Day,” when the research done into personal goals and priorities gets turned into a physical timeline that can be put up on a wall somewhere in the planner’s home.

The book provides ample space for readers to write down and assemble their own information, and the presentation is clear and simple enough to turn what initially seems to be a daunting task into an achievable goal.

Published by International Life Planning LLC, the book is available from amazon.com and WriteOpenAct.com.