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June 16, 2011



By Greg Hazley

We know you take your hockey seriously up there, but come on now.

Vancouver, which should still be riding the PR bounty of the 2010 Winter Olympics, squadered any sports goodwill, at least for the moment, when rabid fans took to the downtown area to flip and burn cars, shatter glass and cause otherwise rampant destruction last night as the Canucks fell to the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup final.

"In my opinion what happened last night was a million dollars in damage but a billion dollars' worth of bad publicity for the city of Vancouver," Bob Whitelaw, who was hired by Canadian authorities in 1994 to learn the lessons of similar hockey-fueled riots back then, told CTV:

The city's tourism entity, Tourism Vancouver, is urging Twitter and Facebook followers to post positive statements about the city today using the hashtag #ThisIsMyVancouver.

TV offered this statement last night: "This is a sad day for Vancouver. Rest assured that this is a small group of people that have caused these problems, and their actions in no way represent Vancouver."

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