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Aug. 13, 2010



By Greg Hazley

Understanding what makes a compelling story and what's required to work with media and stakeholders makes job transitions between disparate sectors easier, accoring to Oscar Suris, who jumped from the auto sector to banking last year.

Suris, executive VP of corporate communications at Wells Fargo, said in a video interview with PulsePoint Group that those core skills are more important than the details of the industry to which one is transitioning.

"If you can understand what makes a compelling story. If you can understand what's required with news media and with stakeholders of all kinds of stripes I think as a PR practitioner you can do it in any industry," he said. "The industry material is just that -- raw material. What we bring to the table are the skills to take that raw material and make it accessible to whatever stakeholder you're targeting."'

Suris also talks about moving from one battered industry to another in the clip.

A former Wall Street Journal writer, he was director of corporate communications and development at Ford Motor Company after a director stint at AutoNation.

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