Citing a Washington Post-ABC News poll, Speaker John Boehner today tweeted to his 108K followers that 55 percent of the country disapproves the way that President Obama is handling the economy and budget deficit.

Clever spin, but the Republican Congressman knows better. The poll results probably brought a tear or two to his eyes.

By a 46 to 34 percent margin, the survey found that people believe that Obama, not Republicans, is better suited to deal with the economy. Respondents say the president feels their pain. He enjoyed a 12 point advantage when asked whether he or the GOP understands the economic challenges that Americans face. Obama scored a nine-point edge in dealing with the deficit.

The speaker’s rise to the top didn’t do anything to improve the image of Congress. Nearly seven-in-10 (69 percent) of those polled disapprove of Congress. That figure rises to 75 percent of the independent voters, who rallied to the GOP side in the last election.

Boehner’s tweet is the latest sign of GOP leadership ignoring political reality. While Republicans threaten a shutdown of the federal government, a majority of the WP/ABC respondents opposes shutting down federal D.C. Sixty-three percent call a shutdown a “bad thing,” while 31 percent say it would be a “good thing.”

The Republican notion that cutting federal spending will bolster job growth draws a Bronx cheer from America. Forty-five percent of respondents believe cutbacks will result in job losses, while 41 percent anticipate gains.

Meanwhile, out-of-touch John persists in promoting the ever-present Republican mantra of reforming (e.g., cutting) corporate taxes. He promised CNBC’s Larry Kudlow today that corporate tax reform is doable this year. At a time of record profits and bulging corporate coffers, there is absolutely no clamoring across the U.S. for cutting corporate taxes.

Though Boehner is always tossing around the old chestnut of “doing the will of the American people,” as usual, the GOP crowd does exactly the opposite. When they were younger, my daughters used to play the word game "opposites." It's the Speaker's favorite. As Boehner told Kudlow: “Actions speak louder than words."

Indeed. That's especially true in the reality-based world.