CEO Chadwick Wasilenkoff credits the campaign by Vorticom, New York, and Go-Bosh of Canada with helping to boost the price from around $8 to as high as $60. It is now trading in the mid-$40’s.
The improved valuation was called “astounding” in an article in the March 25, 2011 Globe & Mail’s Report on Business.
The paper said only one other company in a 244-member S&P/TSX composite exceeded the stock surge that went as high as 306%. Sales in 2010 were $281 million.
Monitoring reports placed the value of the publicity obtained at more than $1 million.
Wasilenkoff |
Coverage included a feature in the Wall Street Journal and interviews with Wasilenkoff on Ray Hoffman’s “Wall Street Journal Radio” network show and CNN International’s Quest for “Business Show”; several interviews on Bloomberg TV in the U.S. and Europe, and feature interviews on the syndicated “First Business Show” and Canada’s “Business News Network.”
Wasilenkoff had bylined articles in banking and finance media including ABJ Journal, Transaction Directory, The Nilson Report and Currents Magazine.
Tamosaitis |
Tamosaitis managed clients billing in the $1-$3 million range at Ogilvy PR Worldwide, Grey Advertising’s GCI Group, and Publicis before starting her own firm in 2003.
Thompson, who has a 20-year background in branding and marketing, was previously president of Antenna, LLC, which created a lifestyle magazine/retail catalog/website.
He was also a senior marketing executive of Itochu International, major Japanese trading company.