President Obama is getting hammered by the so-called “liberal press,” according to a study released today by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism.

The Center rated 34 percent of the stories about the President from May 2 to Oct. 9 as “negative.” Only nine percent were positive. Fifty-seven percent are deemed as either neutral or straight news.

pewRick Perry, the late entrant into the Republican presidential race, enjoyed the most positive coverage at 32 percent, while 20 percent were negative. Sarah Palin was next at 31 percent plus and 22 percent minus.

The media, like most of America, can’t seem to get a handle on flip-flopper Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts Governor scored a 26 percent positive rating and 27 percent negative rating.

Herm Cain, he of the 9-9-9- program, received a 28 percent positive rating and a 23 percent negative. Those negative numbers may rise as the media spreads the awful truth that the Godfather's Pizza guru's economic sales tax aspect of the plan will be a hardship for many Americans.

The emerging story about Cain's ties to the Koch Brothers should result in more downer coverage.

Pew believes the media are harsher on Obama because he’s the guy in charge of the economy, not someone who is seeking the post. That may be true, but the findings should demolish that old conservative chestnut of the press being a cheerleader for all things Democratic.

It's just not so, no matter how much Palin whines about the lamestream media.