Matt Harrington, a 22-year Edelman veteran, assumes the COO post, a new position at the $614M independent shop on July 1.

matt harringtonThe former U.S. chief expands his responsibilities to include Europe/Middle East/Asia-Pacific, Canada/Latin America, human resources, legal and IT duties. Harrington (pictured) reports to Richard Edelman, CEO, who told O’Dwyer’s that Harrington is a “decent and intelligent manager who has earned the trust of the Edelman family.”

Edelman is shifting China chief Mark Hass, former CEO of Manning, Selvage & Lee, to the U.S. president/CEO post. He joined Edelman in 2010, after serving at the helm of the Publicis unit for five years. Edelman praised Hass’ strong corporate and marking experience.

“He doubled our China business and is uniquely qualified for the U.S. position,” said Edelman.

The firm recorded $383M in U.S. revenues during the past year.

Tom Mattia, who retired from the senior VP global PA and communications post at Coca-Cola in 2009, replaces Hass in China.

Mattia, who recently stepped down as Yale University’s chief communications officer, held top PR posts at Ford, IBM and EDS. "He’s been our client twice at Yale and EDS," noted Edelman.

During a five-year stint at Hill & Knowlton, Mattia ran its Asia Pacific region from Hong Kong. He reports to David Brain, Asia Pacific president/CEO.