Prestigious Horace Mann School, where high school tuition hovers around the $40K mark, turned to Kekst and Company to respond to the blockbuster New York Times story about former teachers allegedly sexually abusing students there.
The story ran as the NYT Magazine cover on June after it was posted last week on the paper’s website.
In researching the story, author and HMS graduate Amos Kamil contacted Tom Kelly, current headmaster, many times before receiving a reply from Kekst, according to the piece.
That statement said that “as an educational institution, we are deeply concerned if allegations of abuse of children are raised, regardless of when or when they may have occurred.”
It also noted that current leadership is not in the position to comment of events involving former and, in some cases now deceased, faculty members.”
HMS released a letter to alumni yesterday in which Kelly promised to “develop and implement a thoughtful process that places the first priority on those alumni most in need.”
The trustees will soon meet to discuss the abuse matter.
Kekst and Co., which is part of Publicis Groupe, has advised the Bronx-based school for several years, a staffer told O’Dwyer’s.