The United Nations Entity for Global Equality and the Empowerment of Women wants PR help to extend blogger outreach, according to an RFQ.

The job calls for “creating an audit, mapping and strategy to maximize the organization’s overall presence and influence online.”

The organization credits online media for helping it to “move from one-way communication to interactive dialogs with its online constituency.”

UN Women launched its initial salvo in the social media world five years ago with its “Say No -- UniTE to End Violence against Women initiative.”

The entity views itself as among the world body’s most active agencies to “integrate social media into daily outreach and ongoing communications work, as well as around special campaigns and events.”

Its potential PR partner will advise on which high impact blogs to target where the voice of U.N. Women “would be the most prominent based on the current news cycle,” occasionally assist with writing content and manage accounts on high-profile blogs such as Huffington Post, Daily Kos and Feministing.

Beatrice Frey (Beatrice.frey [at] unwomen [dot] org) is heading the search. She wants pitches by Oct. 12.