This is an open letter to Wikipedia editor "Corporate Minion" who has made numerous changes in his/her article on the PR Society but which still needs plenty of work.
Hello Corporate Minion:
There are still major mistakes in your article on the PR Society that has now been cut to 2,121 words and 68 references from 4,697 originally and 82 references (
The first and biggest mistake is continuing to say that the “Society has had a contentious relationship with journalist Jack O'Dwyer since the 1970s.”
You might as well blame fires on the firefighters who arrive to put them out. The truth is that PRS has numerous anti-democratic, information-withholding and information-blocking practices that have been condemned by many members and non-members and is currently under censure by the National Press Club, NY State Senator Liz Krueger, PR Watch and others for blocking press access to its Assemblies in 2011 and 2012.
You make it sound like I am the only critic of PRS or that I am some kind of scold. I have an entire directory of PRS abuses if you would only care to examine them ( They are not criticisms but descriptions of abusive practices such as withholding the transcript of Assemblies and the national list of delegates since 2005. Both are indefensible practices.
Your entry has huge gaps in facts about the Society. You now say that about 20% of members are accredited but neglect to say that since the 1970s only APRs have been able to run for national office or the board. There have been attempts since 1999 to open board/officer posts to all members but these have failed year after year. The tiny clique of APRs at the top won't give up control and has driven away almost all major corporate, PR firm and institutional PR executives.
You continue to repeat the falsehood that I sued PRS when I did not. You say that PRS started charging for its info packets in 1994 when that was the year that 12 authors discovered this. The practice, according to PRS leaders including 1994 president Joe Vecchione, actually started in 1976. I have PRS financial reports that show sizable profits from this activity starting in the late 1980s.
Jack O'Dwyer
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