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Jan. 5, 2006


Dix & Eaton is serving as "media coordinator" for International Coal Group, the owner of the Sago Mine in West Virginia in which a dozen miners lost their lives.

ICG, which is controlled by New York billionaire Wilbur Ross, is launching an investigation of the tragedy along with state and federal officials.

The company says it will no longer provide "regularly scheduled media briefings," but will announce findings of the probe when appropriate.

ICG has established a $2M fund for the families of the lost miners, and is accepting donations from others.

Ross issued a statement in which he says he personally understands the trauma of the families since "I lost my own father when I was a teen-ager and my widowed mother was left with three children, the youngest of whom was eight years old."

ICG sold 21M shares of stock to the public last month at $11 each. The shares peaked at $13.10 and now trade for $9.08.

D&E has represented International Steel Group, which was another Ross roll-up. CEO Scott Chaikin has not yet been reached.

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Chicago PR Guy (1/06):
Great -- now these guys are poster children for "totally inept crisis management" AND "shutting the barn door after the cow has gone."
Although, they are one and the same.

Good luck, D&E -- you're going to need it. I can already envision these
guys asking you why the press they're getting isn't getting better.


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