Brand USA

Brand USA has extended the "intent to bid" notification deadline on its International PR consultant RFP to Feb. 18. Interested parties must send an email to [email protected].

The organization is looking for a firm to supply onsite consultants to help with communications and media relations initiatives with the goal of promoting Brand USA as "a premier travel destination through international consumer media coverage," according to the RFP.

The mission is to help BUSA's integrated marketing team "develop and implement a comprehensive and cohesive global PR platform."

The scope of work includes managing day-to-day program activity of PR teams in Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America; serving as liaison for global PR efforts and headquarters, and working closely with teams on events, campaign launches, press visits, digital influencer programs, broadcast productions, digital influencer programs and PR stunts/activations.

Proposals are due Feb. 25 at [email protected] and a hard copy goes via FedEx or UPS to:

Brand USA Headquarters
C/O RFP Administrator
1725 Eye Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006
ATTN: RFP – International PR Consultant Phone: 202/536-2060

The RFP is here