The New Hampshire Dept. of Revenue Administration is looking for a firm to handle PR and strategic communications duties. 

NHDRA says it is committed to transparency and openness as it carries out its mission to fairly and efficiently administer the tax laws of the Granite State. 

The RFP calls for a partner experienced in PR effectiveness, tracking outcomes and developing communications plans.

It will create and maintain an influencer list and a media initiative program, both reactive and planned.

NHDRA requires a firm with at least five years of experience in working with similar governmental entities.

Responses are due March 6.  They must be sent in a package marked:

RFP#REV 2023-02 
Strategic Communications and Public Relations Services for the NHDRA 
c/o Roger Marchand, Project Manager
NH Department of Revenue Administration
109 Pleasant Street
Concord NH 03301

Read the RFP (PDF).