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lovio george | communications + design
681 West Forest Ave.,
313/832-2210 ext. 23; fax: 313/831-0240
Full-service, integrated communications + design agency to the following industries: alternative energy, travel + tourism, transportation, sports + entertainment, consumer products + services, professional assn., education, economic + community development.
Employees: 10. Founded: 1979.
Agency Statement:
lovio george | communications + design opened its doors over 45 years ago in Midtown Detroit. As a communications + design agency, lovio george brands organizations and grows companies — creating well-known campaigns for both for-profit and non-profit organizations.
The agency's services include: marketing, advertising, design, public relations, corporate identity and brand development management, social + new media strategies, capital campaigns, community relations, special events, qualitative research, and website development.
Its campaigns have been recognized for EMMY, Caddy + PRSA Awards, IABC Gold + Silver Quill Awards, and Mobius International Awards for Outstanding Creativity.
Christina Lovio George, Pres. & CEO; John J. George, VP & Creative Dir.; Heather George, VP, Media & Integrated Mktg.
Clients Include:
Capuchin Province of St. Joseph
Detroit Auto Dealers Assn.
Detroit Regional Convention Facility Authority
Detroit RiverFront Conservancy
GST AutoLeather / Pangea
Huntington Place
Midtown Detroit, Inc.
National Coney Island
The Parade Company
Regina Andrew Design
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