O'Dwyer's database is where communicators shop online for the companies that supply the PR industry with products and services. Listed below are some of the many PR awards programs available to honor excellence in the industy.
Adrian Awards, Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association Int'l., 1660 International Dr., McLean, VA 22102. 703/506-3280. americas.hsmai.org. Ellen Wilson, Washington, D.C. Mng. Dir., Adrian Awards Competition Dir. AME - Advertising & Marketing Effectiveness Awards, New York Festivals, 641 Lexington Ave., 13th flr., New York, NY 10022. 212/271-5278. www.ameawards.com. APEX Awards, Communications Concepts, Inc., 6604 Richmond Rd., #19, Williamsburg, VA 23188. 703/643-2200. [email protected]; apexawards.com. Ken Turtoro, Exec. Editor. Association TRENDS Annual Trendy Awards, Columbia Books & Information Services, 1530 Wilson Blvd., #400, Arlington, VA 22209. 888/265-0600. www.associationtrends.com/trendy-awards/. AVA Digital Awards, Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, 127 Pittsburg St., Dallas, TX 75207. 214/730-0533. [email protected]; www.avaawards.com. Bell Ringer Awards, PR Club, (Formerly Publicity Club of New England), ℅ March Comms.,560 Harrison Ave., #408, Boston, MA 02118. www.prclub.org. Big Apple Awards, PRSA/New York Chapter, One World Trade Center, flr. 69, New York, NY 10007. 212/228-7228. [email protected]; www.prsany.org. Bulldog PR Awards, PR Awards, Stars of PR Awards. bulldogawards.com. Cannes Lions Awards, Festival of Creativity. +44 (0) 20 3033 4000. www.canneslions.com. Clarion Awards, Association for Women in Communications, 4730 S. National Ave., Ste. A1, Springfield, MO 65810. 417/409-2492. womcom.org. Jean Harmison. CLIO Awards, 104 W. 27th St., 10th flr., New York, NY 10001. 212/683-4300. clios.com. Nicole Purcell, CEO. Communicator Awards, Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, 22 West 21st St., 7th flr. North, New York, NY 10010. 212/675-3555. www.communicatorawards.com. Communitas Awards, Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, 127 Pittsburg St., Dallas, TX 75207. 214/377-3526. [email protected]; www.communitasawards.com. dotCOMM Awards, Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, 127 Pittsburg St., Dallas, TX 75207. 214/377-3526. [email protected]; www.dotcommawards.com. Gold Quill Awards, Int'l. Association of Business Communicators (IABC), 330 N. Wabash Ave., #2000, Chicago, IL 60611. 312/321-6868. www.iabc.com. Gold, Silver, Bronze Anvil Awards of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Among Additional Awards, 120 Wall St., 21st flr., New York, NY 10005-4024. 212/460-1400. www.prsa.org. Karen Mateo, Chief Comms. Officer. Golden Trumpet Awards, Publicity Club of Chicago, P.O. Box 101236, Chicago, IL 60610. [email protected]; www.publicity.org. Hermes Creative Awards, Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, 127 Pittsburg St., Dallas, TX 75207. 214/377-3525. [email protected]; www.hermesawards.com. iBravo! Awards, Hispanic Public Relations Association. hprausa.org. Jack Felton Medal for Lifetime Achievement, Institute for Public Relations, University of Florida, P.O. Box 118400, Gainesville, FL 32611-8400. 352/392-0280. instituteforpr.org. Tina McCorkindale, Pres. & CEO. MarCom Awards, Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, 127 Pittsburg St., Dallas, TX 75207. 214/377-3524. [email protected]; www.marcomawards.com. Matrix Awards, NY WICI, 1660 International Dr., #600, McLean, VA 22102. 212/251-7255. [email protected]; nywici.org. Mercury Awards, Galaxy Awards, iNOVA Awards and More, Sponsored by MerComm, Inc., 500 Executive Blvd., Ossining-on-Hudson, NY 10562. 914/923-9400. www.mercommawards.com. Reni L. Witt, Pres. NAGC Communicator of the Year Award, National Association of Government Communicators, 400 South 4th St., #754e, Minneapolis, MN 55415. 888/285-8556. nagc.com. New York Festivals, TV & Film Awards, 641 Lexington Ave., 13th flr., New York, NY 10022. 212/271-5278. www.newyorkfestivals.com. Paragon Awards, Plus Additional Awards, National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR), 5901 Wyoming Blvd., N.E., #J-254, Albuquerque, NM 87109. 505/349-0500. www.ncmpr.org. Power of Association Awards, American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), 1575 I St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005. 202/371-0940. www.asaecenter.org. PR News Awards, Access Intelligence, LLC. www.prnewsonline.com/pr-news-awards. PRSA/NCC National Capital Excellence in Comm. Awards, 200 Little Falls St., #205, Falls Church, VA 22046. 703/691-9212. prsancc.org. Public Relations and Marketing Excellence Awards, Business Intelligence Group. 909/529-2737. www.bintelligence.com. Ragan's PR Daily Awards, 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60603. 800/878-5331. www.prdaily.com. REBRAND 100 Global Awards, 24 Corliss St., #6791, Providence, RI 02940. rebrand.com. Anaezi Modu, Founder & CEO. SABRE Awards, PRovoke Media, 271 West 47th St., New York, NY 10036. 212/333-2300. www.provokemedia.com. She Runs It Woman of the Year Award, She Runs It (Formerly Advertising Women of NY), New York, NY. 212/221-7969. sherunsit.org. Sigma Delta Chi Awards, c/o Society of Professional Journalists, P.O. Box 441748, Indianapolis, IN 46244. 317/927-8000. www.spj.org. Jennifer Royer, Interim Exec. Dir. SIIA CODiE Awards, Software & Information Industry Association, 1620 I St., N.W., #501, Washington, DC 20005. 202/289-7442. siia.net/codie/. Silver Apple Awards, Marketing Club of New York, New York, NY. 646/741-4771. marketingclubny.org. Society for Technical Communication, STC Awards, Fairfax, VA. 703/522-4114. www.stc.org. Tim Shaw, Interim Exec. Dir. Society of American Travel Writers (SATW), SATW Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition, Oakbrook Terrace. [email protected]; satw.org. Telly Awards, The, Ashland, KY. 212/675-3555. www.tellyawards.com. Viddy Awards, 127 Pittsburg St., Dallas, TX 75207. 214/730-0539. [email protected]; www.viddyawards.com. Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) Woman of the Year Award, P.O. Box 65297, Washington, DC 20035. wwpr.org.
The Stevie Awards, 10560 Main St., #519, Fairfax, VA 22030. 703/547-8389. www.StevieAwards.com. Maggie Miller, Pres.The Stevie® Awards, widely regarded as the world's premier business awards, are conferred in nine programs including The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, and the Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence (coming in 2024).
Nominations may be submitted in a wide variety of categories honoring achievement in public relations, marketing, management, human resources, customer service, new products, technology, websites, videos, events, and more.
The Stevie Award trophy, designed by the firm that manufactures the Oscar and other leading trophies, is one of the world's most coveted prizes.
Visit www.StevieAwards.com to learn about all of the Stevie Award programs.