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Merger & Acquistions Services for PR Firms

    O'Dwyer's database is where communicators shop online for the companies that supply the PR industry with products and services. The following companies are experts at merger and acquistions services for PR firms.

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Gould+Partners, 46 Woodbine Ave., Suite #4, Northport, NY 11768. 917/783-4500. [email protected]; Rick Gould, CPA, J.D., Mng. Partner; Jack Bergen, Strategic Partner; Mike Muraszko, Jennifer Casani, Partners; James Arnold, Robert Udowitz, Sr. Counselors; Yadi Gomez, Acct. Coord.

See listing also under CPA/Consulting Services andManagement Consultants.

Montieth & Company, 685 Third Ave., 8th flr., New York, NY 10017. 646/437-7602. [email protected]; Montieth Illingworth, CEO and Global Mng. Partner.

Stevens Group, The
Stevens Group, The, 656 Post Ln., Somerset, NJ 08873. 732/748-8583; mobile: 917/514-7980. [email protected]; [email protected]; Art Stevens, Rich Jachetti, Marty Gamer, Mark Altschuler, Destiny Lopez, Nicole Stuhl.

Tier One Partners, 129 South St., Boston, MA 02111. 617/918-7060. [email protected]; Kathy Wilson.