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Srikant Ramaswami is EVP, global and emerging markets, healthcare, rbb communications.Contact him at: [email protected].

Stories by Srikant Ramaswami

    Communication’s Role in Addressing Mental Illness
    (Healthcare PR)

    Fri., Oct. 5, 2018

    Srikant RamaswamiSix ways public relations can be crucial in reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness.

    Showing the Ties Between Emotion and Innovation
    (Healthcare PR)

    Wed., Oct. 25, 2017

    Srikant Ramaswami New pharmaceuticals are often promoted based on their realized traits — personal health benefits, requiring less frequency, the elimination of specific side effects — but few drug companies emphasize how innovation in Rx development can establish an emotional connection with their customers by leveraging how a drug can change people’s behaviors or impact their lives beyond its mere tangible attribute.