Rank Your PR Firm With O'Dwyer's

Paula Conway is president and founder Astonish Media Group.

Stories by Paula Conway

    Are We Competing with Mad Libs?
    (PR Commentary)

    Mon., Jul. 9, 2018

    Paula ConwaySeveral services on the market today are promising companies that they can now do their own PR, but these fill-in-the-blanks solutions miss the mark on what a true public relations campaign can offer, and echo the oft-repeated truism that there’s no alternative for hiring a professional. (1 reader comment)

    Consumer Facing Media is Critical Support to B2B Publicity

    Wed., Dec. 6, 2017

    Paula ConwayLimiting branding efforts for B2B clients to the trade press is a missed opportunity for communicators, who can often expand their outreach efforts with great success by leveraging consumer outlets as well.