The Museum of Public Relations is hosting an Oct. 26 webcast celebrating and discussing the role of public affairs in the U.S. Armed Forces—specifically the Navy—since World War II. “Military Public Affairs, Past & Present: The U.S. Navy” will also examine the effectiveness of strategic and tactical approaches of Department of Defense public affairs. Presented in collaboration with San Diego State University and The Defense Information School, the webinar will feature current Navy chief of information RDML Charlie Brown, along with RADM Kendell Pease, who held the position from 1992 to 1998 and RDML Frank Thorp IV who served as Navy chief of information from 2007 to 2009. Their discussion will be moderated by Carl Redding. To find out more about the event, which starts at 3 p.m. PT, or to register, click here.
Red Fan Communications and business consulting firm Perch Perspectives are hosting an interactive 60-minute Q&A on Oct. 29 that will explore the political, economic and cultural forces that impact the ability of businesses and executives to communicate effectively. In the virtual event, which is the first webinar in the Red Fan Salon Series, Red Fan president and founder Kathleen Lucente and Perch Perspectives founder Jacob Shapiro will discuss such topics as how to prepare for the next wave technological evolution, the impact geopolitical issues have on business decision-making, and how the upcoming election will affect businesses. The free event will start at 12:30 p.m. CT. For more information and to register, click here.
An Oct. 29 Institute for Public Relations webinar will look at the results of a newly released survey of more than 450 social media pros, and what those results show about the future of the profession. “The Career Path of a Social Media professional” is a joint effort by IPR, Ragan Communications and the University of Florida. Participating in the discussion are IPR president and CEO Tina McCorkindale, Ragan Communications CEO Diane Schwartz and University of Florida PR department chair Marcia DiStaso. The event begins at noon ET. For more information and to register, click here.
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