Marilyn Horn, Georgella Muirhead |
Lambert forms a strategic partnership with Van Dyke Horn Public Relations, the largest minority public relations agency in Michigan. The firms have previously shared clients and campaigns in the non-profit and corporate sectors. Joining VDH’s current owner, president and CFO Marilyn Horn, Lambert will invest a less-than-majority stake in the agency, which will to be run by VDH’s current leadership. The joint go-to-market plan and growth strategy for collaborative projects between the two firms will be co-led by Lambert CEO Michelle Olson and chairman Jeff Lambert along with Horn and VDH chief executive officer Georgella Muirhead. “We’ve been minoring in DEI consulting and multi-cultural marketing, but this is an opportunity to major in it and to help the Van Dyke Horn team scale their services nationally and into fast growing sectors like private equity, public companies and ESG mandates,” said Olson.
GLOBALHealthPR, a network of independent healthcare agencies, rebrands as Global Health Marketing & Communications. The new identity, which launches across the network’s worldwide headquarters and partner agencies in the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific, reflects what it says is the evolution and expansion of communications and marketing capabilities driven by the changing media landscape. "In a world where media and channels are becoming more blended, we continue to invest in our strategy-first approach to drive behavior-changing campaigns,” said Jonathan Wilson, GMHC chairman and CEO as well as owner/CEO of U.S. partner Spectrum Science. Our new identity reinforces GHMC's laser-focus on healthcare while reflecting the increasingly diversified offerings within our network across partner agencies and around the world."
Gregory FCA names the recipients of its Diversity Initiative Scholarships, which include a $2,500 scholarship and a spot in the company’s 2022 Junior Associate Program. This year’s winners, Te’a Gray from the University of Connecticut and Margaret Mendel of Villanova University, will be part of a group of 16 participants who will undergo an immersive 90-day training program where they gain the skills critical to quickly advancing their careers in public relations and communications. The agency says that, over its 32-year history, the program has helped start the careers of more than 500 recent college graduates. Gregory FCA president Joe Anthony said that Gray and Mendel “continue our long tradition of offering young people expanded professional opportunities by providing them a leg up on the communications career ladder.” Applications are now open for next year’s program.
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