Mitchell Reiss
Mitchell Reiss

Brunswick Group has named Ambassador Mitchell Reiss to co-lead its geopolitical practice.

He is based in DC and will work with fellow geopolitical co-lead Kate Fall in London.

Reiss worked in the State Dept. from 2003 to 2005 as director of the Office of Policy Planning and served as George W. Bush’s special envoy for the Northern Ireland Peace Process.

Most recently, Reiss was the UK representative to the Independent Reporting Commission focused on paramilitary operations in Northern Ireland.

Reiss also served as president of Washington College and helmed the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

He was national security advisor to Mitt Romney during his presidential run.

Neal Wolin, Brunswick CEO, noted that geopolitical issues rank at the top of global boardrooms and that Reiss’ long diplomatic career and leadership of several important academic and public sector institutions will benefit clients.