McGuireWoods Consulting is representing the Bezos Earth Fund on urban greening initiatives.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos launched BEF in 2020 and committed $10B to be disbursed over ten years to groups addressing climate change and preserving nature.
In December, BEF announced $110M in grants. That amount included $50M to restore deforested and degraded landscapes in Africa; $30M to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to restore land and forests in the Northern Great Plains and pine ecosystem in the South; and $10M to support scientific breakthroughs to measure the impact of climate change on extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, droughts and fires.
McGuire Woods Consulting team includes senior VP Mona Mohib, who was director of policy and communications at the Democratic Governors Assn.; and VP Clayton Cox, a former fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee.
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