
Klein/Johnson Group reps the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, the Hyannis-based non-profit that spearheaded the opposition to the Cape Wind offshore energy project.

The Alliance was formed in 2002 in response to CW’s proposals to build a 25-square-mile energy project. It expressed concerns about diminished water quality, coastal erosion, habitat degradation, and other effects of climate change.

In 2010, the Alliance filed a lawsuit, claiming that federal approval for CW violated the National Environmental Policy Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Endangered Species Act.

Energy Management Inc., developer of the proposed $2.6B project, pulled the plug on it in 2017.

K/JG works with the Alliance on issues related to the permanent preservation of Nantucket Sound.

A turbine blade from the Vineyard Wind site, broke apart last month and debris washed onto Nantucket beaches.

K/JG's six-member Alliance team includes Izzy Klein, who was communications director for Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Matthew Johnson, chief counsel for Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).