Employees currently find themselves ill-equipped to utilize and integrate generative artificial intelligence in the workplace, according to a new survey by research by academic publishing company Wiley.
The report, which asked workers how they interact with AI at their jobs, found that three-quarters (75 percent) of workers surveyed said they currently lack confidence regarding how to utilize AI at their organization. An additional 40 percent said they are struggling to understand how to integrate AI into their work.
Those in leadership positions don’t appear to feel much better about the technology, as only about a third (34 percent) of managers said they currently feel equipped to support AI integration at work.
The solution? Most workers claim that increased training and guidance are key in improving their AI literacy. A majority of workers surveyed (61 percent) said training provided by their organization would be the most helpful way of improving their proficiency in AI, while more than half (54 percent) think a clearer understanding of organizational strategy as it relates to AI would improve their AI efforts at work. Almost nearly (48 percent) cited outlining clearer expectations around the proper usage of AI would better help them comfortably transition into using AI in the workplace.
While most respondents (80 percent) said they think their superiors are supportive regarding their efforts to integrate AI into their workflows, only 60 percent believe their manager is knowledgeable about how to effectively ensure such an integration.
The Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “The Human Side of Artificial Intelligence: Three Tips for Navigating the AI Era,” surveyed more than 2,000 employees in the U.S. and Canada in August and September. Research was conducted by Wiley Workplace Intelligence.
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