
AF International has agreed to represent Komala, a Kurdish group that advocates for human rights for Iran’s citizens, and promotes the democratic representation of minority people in the country.

Kurds, who live in the northwest region of Iran, make up about 10 percent of its overall 92M population. They are subject to crackdowns by Iran’s security forces.

AFI has signed a six-month contract to provide government communications and PR assistance to Komala’s Washington representation office. The pact, which went into effect Jan. 1, is worth $48K.

The firm has provided similar representation to the Syrian Democratic Council, the political wing of the Syrian Defense Forces. The SDF, which is comprised of Kurdish and Arab political and civil groups, is a major US ally in the fight against ISIS.

Ayal Frank heads AFI. He was a VP and PA lead at Qorvis’ geopolitical solutions group, senior VP at Omnicom’s Mercury unit, and contract consultant at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.