
California's Marin County is seeking a firm to handle public outreach for its plan to build a headquarters for its fire department on the former San Geronimo golf course.

The Marin County Fire Department's current facility at Woodacre, which was constructed during the 1940s, is no longer adequate to house the increasing staff and functions of the department.

The MCFD provides fire service support for Woodacre, Fairfax, Nicasio, Lucas Valley, Lagunitas, San Geronimo, and Forrest Knolls.

Its mission has expanded from firefighting over the years to include emergency medical services, training, logistics and warehousing services.

California also has given the MDFD the job to manage wildland fire prevention for more than 200K acres of state land and 80K acres of federal property.

Marin County wants a firm to get the public involved in the new HQ design process. It believes that collaboration will enrich the design process via the input of various perspectives, strengthen MCFD’s relationship with residents, and reflect the democratic values central to the County’s approach to governance.

The budget for the initial 16-month contract effort is capped at $250K. The work may be extended for two more one-year periods.

Proposals are due Feb. 12 at the County’s BidExpress portal.

Read the RFP (PDF).