Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy

Former House speaker Kevin McCarthy has teamed up with a crew of Republican heavy hitters to launch Watchtower Strategy, a public affairs firm that will focus on advocacy, strategy and strategic communications.

According to a press release, the new firm will direct its efforts toward CEOs and senior executives, “helping them navigate high stakes issues at the intersection of business, government and public relations.” It will also develop and execute issue advocacy campaigns.

In addition to McCarthy, the new firm’s chairman, Watchtower’s founding partners include Jeff Miller, who in addition to helming Miller Strategies, was a political advisor to McCarthy; CEO Dan Conston, who led the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Republican Super PAC; and Republican strategists Arthur Schwartz, Cliff Sims and Brian Walsh.

“The collective expertise and firepower the Watchtower Strategy team is bringing to the table is immense,” said Conston.

Among the issues the firm says it will focus on are “tax reform, immigration reform, national security, and fixing a broken regulatory state.”

“Navigating this moment can be both an opportunity and a chellenge,” said McCarthy. “The Watchtower team is trusted, tested, and built for success.”