The New York Times' lede story today was headlined "An Onslaught of Woes Raises Questions on Obama’s Vision."

Obama-BoehnerThat item comes a day after the Wall Street Journal slapped on its front page an analysis called "Controversies Threaten President Obama’s Agenda."

Both papers are too kind to the president, who is reeling from the triple-headed monster stemming from the Benghazi attack, Internal Revenue Service overreach and Justice Dept. intimidation of the media.

The only vision/agenda that Obama has during his last 1,300 days in office is surviving a sure-to-happen impeachment proceeding in the House. The president of late has been depicted as the reincarnation of president Nixon. Bill Clinton is a more apt role model.

There's no love lost between Obama and the Tea Party-infused House, which today is voting to repeal ObamaCare for the 37th time. [Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the House vote fits nicely with Einstein’s definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "The House Republicans have truly lost their minds," said Reid on the Senate floor.]

It's hardly a stretch to imagine the House re-channeling its fruitless effort to get rid of ObamaCare to one focused on getting rid of Obama.

Today, the GOP controls the House by a 233-201 margin. On Dec. 19, 1998, a far less partisan GOP-controlled House (223-221) impeached Clinton on grounds of perjury by a 228-206 vote. It impeached the president on obstruction of justice charges by a 221-212 vote.

On Feb. 12, 1999 the Senate, which was 55-45 controlled by Republicans, acquitted Clinton by a margin of 17 votes. Sixty votes in the Senate are required for impeachment. Democrats control the current Senate by 55-45.

Obama’s administration for the rest of its term will be confronted by never-ending GOP investigations. Those probes are 100 percent designed to derail any of the president’s initiatives. Obama’s only hope: strong Democratic performances in the 2014 Congressional elections.

A big Democratic Congressional win is the only chance for Team Obama to return to relevance.