Ellen Marks, chair of the California Brain Tumor Assn., has asked the FCC to postpone action on the new “5G” wireless technology until there is “pre-market safety testing.”

FCC is set to rule on the proposal today.

Marks earlier this year published a list of more than 300 high-profile victims of brain cancer including Ted Kennedy, Robert Novak, Johnnie Cochran, Pete Rozelle, Tug McGraw, Bobbie Murcer, Seve Ballesteros and Yves St. Laurent.

The victims she tracked were professionals of one type or prominent for one reason or another. She became interested in the topic after her husband, Alan, survived a brain tumor in 2008. He was a 20-year cellphone user who was “wedded” to it, she said.

A victim not on her list was AT&T VP-PR Marilyn Laurie, who died of brain cancer in 2010.

Thirty of the victims were in their 40’s; 81 in their 50’s, and 86 in their 60’s. So many people should not be dying so young of a disease that previously was so rare, she contends.

Marks gave an interview Feb. 18, 2015 in which she described how her husband nearly died of a brain tumor.

Harper’s in 2010 warned of a brain-cancer epidemic with a story headlined, “For Whom the Cell Tolls.” It said the ad power of the telecom industry was silencing the press and health advocates.

Family and friends of former Met star McGraw, who died at age 59, started the Tug McGraw Foundation for people with brain-related trauma and tumors.

Marks Letter to FCC:

Dear FCC Commissioners:

I respectfully implore upon you to vote no Thursday on the rollout of 5G wireless technology until there is pre-market safety testing of this technology.

Cellular phones were never pre-market safety tested. We are now witnessing the serious ramifications of that negligence. Now, years later, after daily exposure to nearly every American, independent testing and testing by the United States National Toxicology Program have shown that 2G wireless technology causes brain tumors and tumors in the nerves of the heart (Schwanomas).

There is no longer a "flat line" in brain tumors. Lethal brain tumors have increased in the area of the brain which is closest to where the phone is held. I personally know many who died at young ages "more likely than not" from their cell phone use or are now dying from this exposure. I also know many who suffer from Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) from exposure to wireless radiation. It is time to recognize this and take it seriously.

For CDMA and GSM (both 2G) we have testing showing negative health ramifications. A Hardell study in 2013 shows greater harm with UMTS (3G).Yet we have no studies on LTE (4G) or 5G. This affects every human being and will be a flagrant abuse of your power if this is allowed without testing prior to a rollout. WiFi is everywhere - in homes, schools, businesses, city parks, etc. These frequencies resonate with our biological processes and are amplified within us.

The US NTP study has validated the 2 studies IARC used in classifying radiofrequency electromagnetic fields a possible human carcinogen. There is talk now that this may be changed to a probable or certain classification. Thus it is shocking that you would even consider this 5G rollout.

Negligence Must Stop

We cannot allow this negligence to continue. You have a responsibility to the citizens of the United States to consider their health and welfare in your decision making process. .

The American Academy of Pediatrics has written to you several times regarding their concerns about children's exposure to wireless radiation. You have ignored their concerns. The Department of Interior has written to the Department of Commerce stating that wireless radiation is killing wildlife including the American Eagle. They stated that the FCC standards do not take into consideration non thermal damage from this radiation (in this case cellular towers) and that your standards are decades old, obsolete and not protective of the environment.

You have heard from the GAO that your so called safety standards pertaining to radiofrequency are obsolete and need to reexamined. You opened a NOI on this many years ago but nothing has happened in regard to this serious issue. In the interim every man, woman and child are being exposed to RF that may damage their nervous system or cause cancer. I mean no disrespect but this harm knows no boundaries and sadly this could happen to you, your children or your grandchildren. I doubt you want that to be your legacy.

Thank you for your time and your consideration.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Marks
California Brain Tumor Association