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June 28, 2010



By Greg Hazley

CBS foreign correspondent Lara Logan tore into Rolling Stone writer Michael Hastings' piece on Gen. Stanley McChrystal June 27 on CNN, questioning the journalist's tactics and expressing doubt that comments in the article were made on the record.

Logan appeard on Howard Kurtz' program after he interviewed Hastings via satellite from Kabul and the journalist defended his reporting while suggesting some military coverage is unnecessarily fawning.

Both videos are below:



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Joe Honick, GMA International Ltd (6/29):
I could hardly believe the kind of question that came from a smart guy like Howard. The idea that things are "off the record" is foreign to any real reporter. The writer is not retained to be the PR flack for the subject of articles, and the civilian who arranged McChrystal's interview should have briefed his boss more effectively. The same goes for the so called "aides" with the big mouths.

What also went by the boards was mention that the general and his boys were celebrating his 30th wedding anniversasy in a bar in Paris where McChrystal allegedly went to encourage more French help in Afghanistan. Since when do we send generals to Paris in the middle of a war to celebrate while his men are in the field? We have a Secy of Defense for these things.

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