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Sept. 27, 2012



New York PR giant Howard Rubenstein sat down with City University of New York to discuss the school's image and PR in general, outlining how he tackles a PR crisis:

"You gather the facts and you get it out quickly. You don't resort to a torturous dripping out of the information -- that extends the story. Secondly, I always ask the question, 'What's the right thing to do?' Not 'What do you say?' I don't look for the spin control on a story. I look to determine what's the right thing to do to correct a bad situation.

"And I've found the public quite forgiving. If you acknowledge you've made a mistake and you come forward with that -- and you say, 'Here's how I'm correcting it,' and you do correct it, that's the best PR because then the news will follow your actions rather than just what you say."

Rubenstein also discusses client conflicts and how his PR role can become that of mediator between warring factions.


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