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Aug. 19, 2010



By Greg Hazley

Porter Novelli CEO Gary Stockman notes the "three T's" of crisis PR -- Toyota, Tiger Woods and Tylenol -- in discussing how social media and digital communications have changed the crisis game in this seven-minute clip from the agency.

"What used to happen was when a company got an inkling there was going to be a crisis they would assemble their team around a table ... and days or even weeks later they would have their plan and they'd be ready to go," he said. "Companies these days have about 15 minutes for that if they haven't planned it up front."

Stockman talks about how companies need to respond, how often crisis plans should be updated and notes a trend of mainstream media reporting more on product and recall issues fueled by social media, among other topics.

This vid is part 6 of 6. Here are the other clips from his discussion.

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Anonymous (8/20):
Interesting, straight forward, and broad scoped video presentation on crisis communication for the corporate sector. With social media and the internet,a news worthy story can break, and travel around the globe in less than half a day.. With decades of public relations students, in the classroom, not many have had the exposure to crisis professionally, however, there are more people today who know the in's and out's of public relations to pick up and add to the internet story, and possibly add to the crisis. Not so was the case years ago. There is no one to tell not to communicate today, in the office, or in the home.

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